September 28, 2009

Arch Enemy - Rise of the Tyrant (2007)

Album: Rise of the Tyrant
Genre: Thrash/Death Metal/Black Metal
Counry: Halmstad, Sweden
Year: 2007
  1. "Blood on Your Hands" 4:41
  2. "The Last Enemy" 4:15
  3. "I Will Live Again" 3.32
  4. "In This Shallow Grave" 4:54
  5. "Revolution Begins" 4:11
  6. "Rise of the Tyrant" 4:33
  7. "The Day You Died" 4:52
  8. "Intermezzo Liberté" 2:51
  9. "Night Falls Fast" 3:18
  10. "The Great Darkness" 4:46
  11. "Vultures" 6:35

Rise of the Tyrant ♪♫

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