January 11, 2010

In Flames - Clayman (2000)

The production value on Clayman is instantly apparent; the album initial sounds jump right out and pull the listener in, conveying a power and excitement that lasts the duration of the disc. The songs on Clayman are what ultimately sell In Flames, though. With some of their best writing yet, they continue to tighten up a sound that could please fans of everyone from Queensrÿche to Arch Enemy to maybe even Satyricon. With their blend of speed, melody, and pensive aggression, In Flames is indeed hard to pin down. Clayman at its core, though, is invigorating, well executed metal that, dare it be said, is a fun listen; this probably isn't far from what the band intends.

Band: In Flames
Album: Clayman
Genre: Death Metal/Melodic/Progressive
Country: Gothenburg, Sweden
Release Date: Jul 25, 2000
Label: Nuclear Blast Records


01. "Bullet Ride"
02. "Pinball Map"
03. "Only for the Weak"
04. "...As the Future Repeats Today"
05. "Square Nothing"
06. "Clay Man"
07. "Satellites and Astronauts"
08. "Brush the Dust Away"
09. "Swim"
10. "Suburban Me"
11. "Another Day in Quicksand"

Clayman ♪♫

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